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Veronica Decides to Die download/indir/ yukle

Veronika Decides to Die  is a novel by Paulo Coelho. It tells the story of 24-year-old Slovenian Veronika, who appears to have everything in life going for her, but who decides to kill herself. This book is partly based on Coelho's experience in various mental institous, and deals with the subject of madness. The gist of the message is that "collective madness is called sanity"
Veronika is a beautiful young woman from Slovenia who appears to have the perfect life, but nevertheless decides to kill herself by overdosing with sleeping pills. While she waits to die, she decides to read a magazine.
After seeing an article in the magazine which wittily asks "Where is Slovenia?," she decides to write a letter to the press justifying her suicide, the idea being to make the press believe that she has killed herself because people don't even know where Slovenia is. Her plan fails and she wakes up in Villete, a mental hospital in Slovenia, where she is told she has only a few days to live.


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